Pred nami je novo poglavje v zgodbi Amigos Caffè, zgodbi, ki se piše z intenzivno aromo kave, s toploto skodelice v rokah in s strastjo, ki daje polet naši družini že tri generacije. Kava je za nas vse to in še veliko več. Je občutek za odličnost in kakovost pri izbiri surovin, je umetnost mešanja, je skrb, ki jo posvečamo vsem korakom v postopku, da bi kava, ki pride v vašo skodelico, ustvarila popolno čutno doživetje. Zato smo želeli, da naš občutek za kavo zaživi v naši novi identiteti blagovne znamke z veččutnim potovanjem. Za nas to ni le novo,…
Al Bellavita Awards di Amsterdam il caffè riserva della torrefazione triestina si aggiudica il massimo punteggio. Amigos Caffè ha recentemente partecipato al Bellavita Expo, l’evento B2B dedicato alla promozione del food and beverage italiano all’estero, che dal 13 al 15 gennaio si è tenuto ad Amsterdam in co-location con Horecava, la principale fiera internazionale del settore Ho.Re.Ca e Food Service.
The Trieste-based Amigos Caffè roasting company makes a debut at Host to present its Il Mingardi S Riserva blend and its new franchising project. Followng the big debut at TriesteEspresso Expo 2016, the superior Il Mingardi S Riserva blend will also be presented at Host Milano from 20th to 24th October 2017 at the Amigos Caffè stand (Pavillion 22 - Stand M14 N13).
Trieste, the coffee capital, has a new aroma: it is the new blend, Il Mingardi S, named after Severino Mingardi, the founder of Amigos Caffè. It is an exquisite reserve coffee which celebrates a true passion for coffee started in 1980. Officially introduced at TriestEspresso Expo 2016, an awaited event for the international coffee industry, Il Mingardi S is available on the market and for online purchasing ( for the persons interested in tasting it at home.